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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


You worry about you children's teeth, eyes, and other parts of the body. You teach washing, brushing, and grooming, but what do you do about your child's feet - those still-developing feet that have to carry the entire weight of the body through a lifetime?

Many foot ailments have their origins in childhood, and heredity is a major factor in the development of these problems. Periodic professional attention and regular foot care can minimize these problems in later life.

Neglecting foot health invites problems in other parts of the body, such as the legs and back. There can also be undesirable personality effects. The youngster with troublesome feet walks awkwardly and usually has poor general posture.

Here are some suggestions to help you assure that your child's development proceeds normally:

  • Look carefully at your baby's feet. If you notice something that does not look normal to you, seek professional care immediately. Deformities will not be outgrown by themselves.
  • Cover your baby's feet loosely. Tight covers restrict movement and can impede normal development. Also, it is not a good idea to put hard shoes on children too early for the same reason. 
  • Provide an opportunity for exercising the feet. Lying uncovered enables the baby to kick and perform other related motions that prepare the feet for weight-bearing.
  • Change the baby's position several times a day. Lying too long in one spot, especially on the stomach, can put excessive strain on the feet and legs.
Whenever you have questions about your child's foot health, contact a podiatrist in you community.

Thanks to the APMA for this information.

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